Question 1982: What benefits of eating onions are mentioned in narrations?
Question 1981: I have seen many people pray intensely for a long time regarding their problems, but their prayers are not answered. Some of them fall into doubt or despair! What is really going on?
Dowry (bridal gift)
Question 1980: Is the dowry (mahr) in temporary marriage (Mut'ah) waivable?
Question 1979: Is Khums (Islamic tax) applicable to the cost of buying or building a house?
Legal Punishments (Hudud)
Question 1978: If someone accuses another person of adultery (qadhf) multiple times, is one punishment (hadd) enough, or is there a punishment for each accusation?
Question 1977: What is the punishment for someone who accuses a group of people of indecency (qadhf)?
Question 1976: If someone is accused of adultery or sodomy and responds by accusing the other person back, can they still demand the implementation of the punishment for qadhf (false accusation)?
Question 1975: Is qadhf (false accusation) and insult considered a violation of people's rights or the rights of Allah?
Question 1974: Is it permissible to engage in temporary marriage (Mut'ah) with an adulterous woman or a woman who does not observe the waiting period ('iddah)?
Question 1973: Does the night of the 15th of Sha'ban have a recommended ritual bath (Ghusl)?
Question 1972: What types of sexual insults carry the punishment of Hadd (Islamic legal punishment)?
Question 1971: In our neighborhood, someone annually offers food on the anniversary of the first and second usurpers of the caliphate and on Unity Day. Is it permissible to eat this food?
Question 1970: Is breastfeeding a baby while in a state of impurity (janabah) prohibited?
Question 1969: What is Sawiq and what are its properties?