
Question 1726: Must one enter Ihram for Hajj or Umrah after performing a prayer?

✅ Answer: Please refer to the following narrations:

1⃣عَنْ مُعَاوِیَةَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْداللَّهِ قَالَ: لَا یَکُونُ الْإِحْرَامُ إِلَّا فِی دُبُرِ صَلَاةٍ مَکْتُوبَةٍ أَوْ نَافِلَةٍ فَإِنْ کَانَتْ مَکْتُوبَةً أَحْرَمْتَ فِی دُبُرِهَا بَعْدَ التَّسْلِیمِ وَ إِنْ کَانَتْ نَافِلَةً صَلَّیْتَ رَکْعَتَیْنِ وَ أَحْرَمْتَ فِی دُبُرِهِمَا...

Al-Fakihah, Vol. 2, p. 318

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: Entering Ihram is not valid except after a obligatory or voluntary prayer. So if it was an obligatory prayer, you would enter Ihram after the salam, and if it was a voluntary prayer, you would perform two rakats and then enter Ihram...

2⃣عَنْ مُعَاوِیَةَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّهِ قَالَ: صَلِّ الْمَکْتُوبَةَ ثُمَّ أَحْرِمْ بِالْحَجِّ أَوْ بِالْمُتْعَةِ الْحَدِیثَ.

Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, p. 334

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: Perform the obligatory prayer and then enter Ihram for Hajj or Umrah!

3⃣عَنْ أَبِی الصَّبَّاحِ الْکِنَانِیِّ قَالَ: قُلْتُ لِأَبِی عَبْداللَّه أَ رَأَیْتَ لَوْ أَنَّ رَجُلًا أَحْرَمَ فِی دُبُرِ صَلَاةٍ مَکْتُوبَةٍ أَ کَانَ یُجْزِیهِ ذَلِکَ قَالَ نَعَمْ.

Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, p. 333

Abu Sabah said: I asked Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him): Inform me, if a person enters Ihram after an obligatory prayer, is it sufficient for him? He said: Yes!

4⃣عَنْ عُمَرَ بْنِ یَزِیدَ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّه فِی حَدِیثٍ قَالَ: وَ اعْلَمْ أَنَّهُ وَاسِعٌ لَکَ أَنْ تُحْرِمَ فِی دُبُرِ فَرِیضَةٍ أَوْ نَافِلَةٍ أَوْ لَیْلٍ أَوْ نَهَارٍ.

Al-Tahzib, Vol. 5, p. 169

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said in a hadith: Know that it is permissible for you to enter Ihram after an obligatory or voluntary prayer, or at night, or during the day!

5⃣عَنْ أَبِی بَصِیرٍ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْداللَّهِ قَالَ: تُصَلِّی لِلْإِحْرَامِ سِتَّ رَکَعَاتٍ تُحْرِمُ فِی دُبُرِهَا.

Al-Tahzib, Vol. 5, p. 78

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: To enter Ihram, perform six rakats of prayer and then enter Ihram!

6⃣عَنْ مُعَاوِیَةَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ عَنْ أَبِی عَبْدِ اللَّهِ قَالَ: إِذَا أَرَدْتَ الْإِحْرَامَ فِی غَیْرِ وَقْتِ صَلَاةٍ فَرِیضَةٍ فَصَلِّ رَکْعَتَیْنِ ثُمَّ أَحْرِمْ فِی دُبُرِهِمَا.

Al-Tahzib, Vol. 5, p. 78

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said: If you want to enter Ihram outside of the time of obligatory prayer, then perform two rakats of prayer and then enter Ihram!

7⃣عَنْ مُعَاوِیَةَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّه یَقُولُ خَمْسُ صَلَوَاتٍ لَا تُتْرَکُ عَلَی کُلِّ حَالٍ إِذَا طُفْتَ بِالْبَیْتِ وَ إِذَا أَرَدْتَ أَنْ تُحْرِمَ الْحَدِیثَ.

Al-Kafi, Vol. 3, p. 87

Muawiyah ibn Ammar said: I heard Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) say: There are five prayers that cannot be omitted under any circumstances: When you perform tawaf around the Kaaba and when you want to enter Ihram!

8⃣عَنْ عَلِیِّ بْنِ مَهْزِیَارَ قَالَ: کَتَبَ الْحَسَنُ بْنُ سَعِیدٍ إِلَی أَبِی الْحَسَنِ رَجُلٌ أَحْرَمَ بِغَیْرِ غُسْلٍ أَوْ بِغَیْرِ صَلَاةٍ عَالِمٌ أَوْ جَاهِلٌ مَا عَلَیْهِ فِی ذَلِکَ وَ کَیْفَ یَنْبَغِی أَنْ یَصْنَعَ فَکَتَبَ یُعِیدُ.

Al-Kafi, Vol. 4, p. 327

Hassan ibn Saeed wrote to Imam Abu al-Hasan (peace be upon him): A person, whether knowledgeable or ignorant, enters Ihram without ghusl or prayer. What is required of him and how should he act? He said: He must repeat it!

9⃣عَنْ مُعَاوِیَةَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ قَالَ: سَأَلْتُ أَبَا عَبْداللَّه عَنِ الْحَائِضِ تُحْرِمُ وَ هِیَ حَائِضٌ قَالَ نَعَمْ تَغْتَسِلُ وَ تَحْتَشِی وَ تَصْنَعُ کَمَا یَصْنَعُ الْمُحْرِمَ وَ لَا تُصَلِّی.

Al-Tahzib, Vol. 5, p. 388

Muawiyah ibn Ammar said: I asked Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) about a menstruating woman who enters Ihram while menstruating. He said: Yes, she should perform ghusl, place cotton in herself, and do as those who enter Ihram do, but she should not pray the Ihram prayer!

✅ Based on the above narrations and others, entering Ihram for Hajj or Umrah is not valid except after an obligatory or voluntary prayer. If it is not the time for an obligatory prayer, one should perform two rakats or, according to Al-Tahzib, Vol. 5, p. 78, four or six rakats of voluntary prayer and then enter Ihram.

✅ According to narration 9, a menstruating woman who wants to enter Ihram should perform the ghusl for Ihram but not pray the Ihram prayer.

✅ According to narration 8, if someone enters Ihram without performing the prayer, it is incumbent upon him to repeat it.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَجِّلْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الْفَرَجَ وَ الْعَافِیَةَ وَ النَّصْر


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