
Question 1721: Can one perform Ghusl (ritual bath) under the rain?

✅ Answer: Please consider the following narrations:

1⃣ Ali bin Ja'far asked his brother Musa bin Ja'far (peace be upon him) about a person in a state of Janabah (ritual impurity), whether standing in the rain until water washes his head and body, while having access to water other than that, would suffice for Ghusl. He said: 'If he washes himself with the same water as he would with other water, it suffices for him.'

📚 Faqih, Vol. 1, p. 13

Ali bin Ja'far asked his brother Musa bin Ja'far (peace be upon him) whether standing in the rain would suffice for a person in a state of Janabah to wash his head and body while having access to other water. The Imam said: 'If he washes himself like he would with water, it suffices.'

2⃣ A man asked Imam Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) about a person in a state of Janabah who stands in the rain until water flows over his body. Would this suffice for Ghusl? He said: 'Yes.'

📚 Al-Kafi, Vol. 3, p. 44

Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) was asked about a person in a state of Janabah who stands in the rain until water flows over his body. The Imam said: 'Yes, it suffices for Ghusl.'

3⃣ In the issues of Ali bin Ja'far, it is said... I asked him about a person who is not in a state of Wudu (ablution) and is caught in the rain until water flows over his head, forehead, hands, and feet. Would this suffice for Wudu? He said: 'If he washes himself, it suffices, and he should perform Madhmadhah (gargling) and Istinshaq (sniffing water).'

I also asked him about a person in a state of Janabah, whether standing in the rain until water flows over his head and body, while he has access to other water, would suffice for Ghusl. He said: 'If he washes himself the same way he would with water, it suffices for him, but it is preferable to perform Madhmadhah and Istinshaq and pass his hand over the parts of his body that are wet.'

I asked him about a person in a state of Janabah who has no access to water but gets caught in the rain. Would this suffice for Ghusl or should he perform Tayammum (dry ablution)? He said: 'If he washes himself with the rain, it suffices; otherwise, he should perform Tayammum.'

📚 Masa'il Ali bin Ja'far, p. 46

Ali bin Ja'far said: I asked Imam Kadhim (peace be upon him) about a person who is in a state of Janabah and whether standing in the rain (falling rain) until it washes his head and body, while having access to other water, would suffice for Ghusl. He said: 'If he washes himself with the rain the same way he would with water, it suffices for him.'

📚 Tahdhidhib, Vol. 1, p. 149

✅ From the above narrations, it is clear that a person in a state of Janabah can stand in the rain, and the water flowing over his head and body will suffice for Ghusl, even if they have access to other water.

✅ It should be noted that the intention and ensuring that the water reaches all parts of the body, which are general conditions for Ghusl in the narrations, must also be observed in this case.

✅ In narration 3⃣, it is recommended to also perform the Sunnah of Mdhmadhah (gargling) and Istinshaq (sniffing water) in this manner of Ghusl, and it is also recommended to pass the hand over any part of the body that it reaches.

Therefore, a person who intends to perform Ghusl can make the intention and stand in the rain, ensuring that the water flows over their head and body, and also perform Mdhmadhah, Istinshaq, and pass the hand over any part of the body they can reach. Once their head and body are fully washed, the Ghusl will be complete, and it will suffice.

✅ Based on the first part of Hadith 3⃣, if a person without Wudu performs Ghusl in this manner, it will also suffice for Wudu, as stated in other narrations that any Ghusl suffices for Wudu.

✅ In narration 4⃣, some versions say 'Al-Qatr' instead of 'Al-Matar.' If the general meaning of 'Al-Qatr' (falling water) is considered, it includes any clean water that falls, but in other narrations, only 'Al-Matar' (rain) is mentioned.

اللَّهُمَّ عَجِّلْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الْفَرَج

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