
Question 1569: What is the significance of the last Wednesday of the month, and what should be done on that day?

✅ Answer: Pay attention to the following narrations:

1⃣عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ عَامِرٍ الطَّائِیِّ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ الرِّضَا یَقُولُ: یَوْمُ الْأَرْبِعَاءِ یَوْمُ نَحْسٍ مُسْتَمِرٍّ مَنِ احْتَجَمَ فِیهِ خِیفَ عليه أَنْ تَخْضَرَّ مَحَاجِمُهُ وَ مَنِ تَنَوَرَ فِیهِ خِیفَ عَلَیْهِ الْبَرَص

📚 'Uyun Akhbar al-Ridā, Vol. 1, p. 248.

Ahmad says: I heard Imam Reza, peace be upon him, saying: Wednesday is a day of continuous bad omen. One who performs cupping on that day fears that the place where cupping is done becomes blue, and one who pulls out hairs (noura) on that day fears being affected by a vitiligo (A disease that causes the loss of skin colour in blotches).

2⃣عَنْ دَارِمِ بْنِ قَبِیصَةَ عَنِ الرِّضَا علیه السلام قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلی الله علیه و آله آخِرُ أَرْبِعَاءَ فِی الشَّهْرِ یَوْمُ نَحْسٍ مُسْتَمِرٍّ

📚 Al-Khisāl, Vol. 2, p. 227.

Imam Ridā, peace be upon him, said: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his family, said: The last Wednesday of the lunar month is a continuously ominous day!

3⃣عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ عَامِرٍ الطَّائِیِّ عَنْ أَبِیهِ عَنِ الرِّضَا عَنْ آبَائِهِ عَنِ الْحُسَیْنِ بْنِ عَلِیٍّ علیهما السلام قَالَ: کَانَ عَلِیُّ بْنُ أَبِی طَالِبٍ علیهما السلام بِالْکُوفَةِ فِی الْجَامِعِ إِذْ قَامَ إِلَیْهِ رَجُلٌ مِنْ أَهْلِ الشَّامِ فَقَالَ یَا أَمِیرَ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ إِنِّی أَسْأَلُکَ عَنْ أَشْیَاءَ فَقَالَ سَلْ تَفَقُّهاً وَ لَا تَسْأَلْ تَعَنُّتاً.. إلی أَنْ قَالَ ثُمَّ قَامَ إِلَیْهِ رَجُلٌ آخَرُ فَقَالَ یَا أَمِیرَ الْمُؤْمِنِینَ أَخْبِرْنِی عَنْ یَوْمِ الْأَرْبِعَاءِ وَ تَطَیُّرِنَا مِنْهُ وَ ثِقْلِهِ وَ أَیُّ أَرْبِعَاءَ هُوَ قَالَ آخِرُ أَرْبِعَاءَ فِی الشَّهْرِ وَ هُوَ الْمُحَاقُ...

📚 'Uyun Akhbar al-Ridā, p. 133.

Imam Husayn, peace be upon him, said: Amir al-Mu'minin, peace be upon him, was in the Grand Mosque of Kufa when a man from the people of Sham stood up and said: O Amir al-Mu'minin! I have some questions about things from you! The Imam said: Ask for understanding and knowledge, not to distress me!

Until he said: Another man stood up and said: O Amir al-Mu'minin! Inform me about the last Wednesday and the bad omen associated with it by us, and its severity. Which Wednesday is this? The Imam said: The last Wednesday of the month that coincides with the new moon...

✅ The new moon, lasting for two or three nights at the end of the lunar month, is called Mahāq. During these nights, the moon is not visible due to its conjunction with the sun, making it concealed and not observable at any time of the night or day. This period usually occurs from the night of the 28th of the lunar month until the end of the month.

4⃣ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سُلَیْمَانَ عَنْ أَحَدِهِمَا قَالَ کَانَ أَبِی إِذَا خَرَجَ یَوْمَ الْأَرْبِعَاءِ مِنْ آخِرِ الشَّهْرِ وَ فِی یَوْمٍ یَکْرَهُهُ النَّاسُ مِنْ مُحَاقٍ أَوْ غَیْرِهِ تَصَدَّقَ بِصَدَقَةٍ ثُمَّ خَرَجَ

📚 Mahāsīn, Vol. 2, p. 348.

Imam Bāqir or Imam Sadiq, peace be upon them, narrated: When my father went out on the last Wednesday of the month, especially on the days that people consider undesirable, he would first give charity and then proceed on his journey.

5⃣عَنِ الْحُسَیْنِ بْنِ عُلْوَانَ عَنْ جَعْفَرٍ عَنْ أَبِیهِ قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ إِذَا أَصْبَحْتَ فَتَصَدَّقْ بِصَدَقَةٍ یُذْهِبْ عَنْکَ نَحْسَ ذَلِکَ الْیَوْمِ وَ إِذَا أَمْسَیْتَ فَتَصَدَّقْ بِصَدَقَةٍ یُذْهِبْ عَنْکَ نَحْسَ تِلْکَ اللَّیْلَةِ.

📚 Qurb al-Isnad, p. 57.

Imam Sadiq, peace be upon him, narrated from his father, saying: When you enter the morning, give charity to ward off misfortune and badness of that day from you. When you enter the night, give charity to ward off misfortune and badness of that night from you!

✅ Based on the above narrations and others, Wednesday, especially the last Wednesday of the lunar month, and specifically the last Wednesday that coincides with Mahāq, is considered a continuously ominous day. Certain actions, such as cupping, extracting blood, and traveling, are discouraged on this day.

To dispel the bad omen and misfortune associated with days like these, one can use narrations like the one in narration 5⃣. By giving charity at the beginning of the day, we can ward off the misfortune of that day.

✅ Dear Shi'a! Anyone in their city can gather as many Shi'a and lovers of the Ahl al-Bayt as possible, preferably on Fridays, and spend some time praying and supplicating for the hastening of the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi, peace be upon him. We are in great need of this action.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَجِّلْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الْفَرَجَ وَ الْعَافِیَةَ وَ النَّصْر

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Peace be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.

Today (22 Azar 1402), it is the last Wednesday of the month and coincides with Mahāq. According to narrations, it is considered a continuously ominous day.

Remove the misfortune of this day by giving charity. In sha Allah.

The writer of these lines has important problems and needs that have greatly affected the channel's activities and limited my humble service.

Therefore, I request all members of the channel to pray for the removal of problems, sorrows, and minor needs. In sha Allah.

May Allah reward you with the best reward.

اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ عَجِّلْ لِوَلِیِّکَ الْفَرَجَ وَ الْعَافِیَةَ وَ النَّصْر

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